Monday, April 18, 2011

We Are Not Geographically Challenged!

Life is very hectic for our team, as we try to balance preparing for our great adventure and living our normal daily lives at the same time.  However, we took a break from all our routine to go to Portsmouth and introduce ourselves at the Rotary District 7600 District Assembly on Saturday, April 16.
The district assembly is an event where the incoming district leaders help to prepare the incoming club leaders for the upcoming Rotary year.  There were lots of comings and goings at the podium on Saturday.  District events, like most Rotary club events are wonderful opportunities to meet and see people and friends in an uplifting atmosphere.  District meetings can be electric with enthusiasm, especially when the right speaker hits the right tone and message.  As expected, the Rotarians greeted all of us quite warmly.
Stephen started the presentation by explaining to the audience about Group Study Exchange and where we are going in Germany.  Everything was going smoothly until it was time to make our introductions in German.  Stephen started out, when a heckler in the front row challenged him on his pronunciation of the word ‘und’ (and).  The heckler was none other than our District Governor, Jayne Sullivan!  We all had a quick laugh and the crowd was gracious to all the presenters.

Team Leader Stephen starts the presentation as Jaime, Katie, Angie, and Alex await their turn.

Katie, the Spanish teacher from Warwick High School in Newport News and sponsor for the school’s Interact Club, introduces herself.  Angie is standing nearby, ready to make her introduction.

Posted by Stephen

Friday, April 15, 2011

First Meeting - Rotary GSE Orientation

Our team met for the first time this January at the Rotary International Group Study Exchange Orientation Weekend in High Point, North Carolina.  Over the weekend, our team was able to bond and develop an idea of the journey we would be embarking on in May.  The weekend was filled with wonderful presentations given by past Group Study Exchange participants and Rotary members, as well as Ambassadorial Scholars.  We were all very excited about the trip by the time we left High Point and have continued to meet monthly ever since. 

Over the past months, our team has met at the Rotary District 7600 Central Office in Williamsburg, Virginia.  This is a great meeting point, as it is situated halfway between Richmond and Hampton Roads.  Two of our members, Katie and Alex are from Newport News and Virginia Beach.  Three of our members, Stephen, Jamie and Angie, are from the Richmond area. 

During our meetings we have studied German history, the German language, prepared for our presentations at our host Rotary Clubs in Germany, and discussed the fine details of our exchange.  With three weeks remaining, we are all very excited about arriving in Germany and connecting with our hosts!

Posted by Katie